Friday, October 8, 2010


Some relationships really seem to be forever. But this has always been in FAIRYTALES ONLY. In reality, nothing stays forever. “Bands do come and go, but you have to keep on playing” same as with people that surrounds us. Friends do come and go, but we have to keep on living. Loved ones do come and go, but we still have to keep on living, living the life the way we wanted it to be. 

In a relationship, there are these instances wherein one gives up while the other one still holds on.
In this case; let’s just say that the one who gave up is the girl, and the one who still holds on is the boy.
The girl wanted to let go, but couldn’t give even just a one damn reason why she wanted to let go of her relationship with the boy. As the boy really loves her, he still holds on with his love for the girl because he wanted to hear the reasons which the girl couldn’t give. But what if the girl doesn’t want to speak out? What if she couldn’t tell the reasons because it’s too hard to say it? However, what if there is really no damn single reason? Could it be possible that there is/are no reason???

The best thing to do is just to accept everything. This may be painless to manage and setting someone free from the commitment might sounds easy. But in reality, there has never been an easy way to do certain things. If you want to let go, it’s too hard to do it without hurting the other one involved. If you want to move on, it’s too hard to let go of the things that you’ve already get used to. 

The true reasons for break ups are often left untold by the parties involved. It’s alright not to talk about the reason why you gave up. But just make sure to tell it all out when the right time comes that you are strong enough to sing your heart out loud. It’s alright to grieve for what happened. But make sure to do it faster (3month rule ^_^ ). It’s alright to dream a relationship that will be just the same as your favorite fairytale. But don’t let yourself believe that fairytales could also be in reality. It’s alright to reminisce the past. But make sure not to use it as a reason why you are still stuck with your past. 

Time will heal the wounds, but you should also help yourself in moving on and to not to look back to the past which will make you more miserable. Give yourself the time to breathe and to think about the things that happened. And after the storm, you’ll realize how awful you had been because you let yourself be drowned to your stressful emotions.

Life has never been that fair and easy. It’s either you let yourself suffer from the pain, or you let yourself accept the fact that nothing stay constant in this world and that not every reason should be heard. Because sometimes, the grounds behind the untold reason is either it’s hard for someone to say it, or it’s too painful for you to hear it.

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